Archi - Architecture and Interior Design
Show Process by category? Hello,From Archi Version 2.8.4 is support to show "process" by category and display on any where on page, post do you want.1, Create a new process post :2, Create Category for process post :3, Chooise Category to show pro ...
RTL Portfolio - Archi Hello, I will guide you to solve this problem, please do follow step by step below : 1, Open file designesia.js (path: archi/js/designesia.js) : Find line code "filtering gallery" and change by: // mo ...
Header Auto Hide/Show Setup? HelloPlease follow the instructions below: 1, In your Backend Admin Page -> Archi Options -> Header Settings -> Thank you
How to setup header bottom? Hi,Go to your Admin page:1, Archi Options -> Topbar Header Settings and Off Topbar:, Archi Options -> Header Settings -> Header Position -> select "Header on Bottom": ...
How to import Slider Revolution? Hi Everyone, 1, Make sure you have successfully installed the Slider Revolution plugin for your site. 2, Go to your WP admin page -> Slider Revolution -> Import Slider 3, Find slider import zip from your computer ( ...
Header Mobile Styling Hello,Here I will show you how to configure color for the header on your website on mobile version.* Header Dark: - Header Mobile Background Color: #18191b- Header Mobile Text Color: #ffffff - Header Mobile Border Menu I ...
How to add "Products" into WooCommerce Breadcrumb? Hello, Default WooCommerce Breadcrumb: Home -> Products Category -> Product Settings to WooCommerce Breadcrumb: Home -> Products -> Products Category -> Product 1, Create a "Products" page by go to Pages -> Add ...
How to add tabs, menu on left side of service single page? Hello, in latest version of Archi theme, we have change option menu for service page, you easy change menu and order menu, tabs on service page. 1, Create a new menu for service page by go to Appearance -> Menus -> Select S ...
Our Process for Mobile and Desktop Hi, From Archi version 3.8.2 is added new shortcode "OT Simple Process" element. 1, Our Process for mobile: Hide on Desktop 2, Our Process for Desktop: Hide on Mobile Thank you
Missing the menus after import demo content on the Archi theme? Hello,Video tutorial on how to fix the missing menu problem after importing demo data:Thank you
How to increase logo size, header height in desktop version? Hello,You can easy add custom css code here: /* Style Header for desktop version only */ @media only screen and (min-width: 993px) { /* Header Static */ header {height: 130px;} head ...
How to setup for user register on website using WooComerce? Hi, 1, In Backend -> Settings -> General -> -> Save Changes 2, In Backend -> WooCommerce -> Accounts & Privacy -> -> Save Changes Thank you
Loco translate miss some PHP file when create POT file. Please read this guide: Dashboard -> Loco Translate -> Settings -> Set the "Skip PHP files larger than" option to a larger size.
How to setup contact info and social network on topbar header? Hello, How to setup contact info and social network on topbar header? 1, Setup contact infomation : Use this html code in Archi Options -> Top Header Settings -> Topbar info text : Toll Free: 1800.899.900 ...
Infinite next and previous post looping in WordPress? Read more: Code for Post: /** * Infinite next and previous post looping in WordPress */ if( get_adjacent_post(false, '', true) ) { previous_post_link('%link', '← Pre ...
Polylang - Activate the languages and translations management for the custom post types and taxonomies. Hi everyone, 1, In Admin page -> Languages -> Settings -> Custom post types and Taxonomies -> Settings: 2, Choose custom post types and taxonomies: 3, Start translations for the custom post types and taxonomies: Than ...
How to translate the theme with Loco Translate plugin? Hi, 1a, Setting WordPress in your language: Admin page to Settings > General > Site Language and select from the list of available languages. 1b, Download installation and active Loco Translate plugin: https://wordpress ...
Increase the PHP Time Limit The PHP Time Limit refers to the amount of time (in seconds) that your site will spend on a single operation before timing out (to avoid server lockups). To prevent the importing process from timing out, the value needs to ...
Troubleshooting the Demo Content Import? Hi All, I've heard from a couple of users having issues during the demo-content import process and I wanted to help out by providing some usable information and steps that you can follow. Note: This does fall beyond our s ...
How to edit Revolution Slider Demo on Homepage? Hello,Please note: Please make sure you have fully imported the demo data for your website.1, Go to your WP Admin page -> Slider Revolution -> Click Edit Slider:2, Click on slide image and replace demo content by your content ...
How to change which WordPress page template is set as default template? I recently had a page template that needed to be set as the default page template INSTEAD OF the “Default Template” I dig some digging and found a solution that works exactly as expected. Here is how to change which Wor ...
How to translate multilanguages for footer widget area using WPML Plugin? Using this plugin to translate your footer widget area in each languages when using WPML plugin:
How do I change Google Map API Key for website? Beginning July 2018, Google has changed its policy of using the Google Map API Key, which is beyond our control: 1, When your Google map is no longer working: http://prnt ...
Add custom class in column, row, any element and style css for custom class? Hi, 1, Add custom class in row or column or any element has support input "extra class name": - in column: - in row: 2, Add custom style css for custom class: - For ...
Don't save theme options with Redux Framework? Hello, Question: When I do any changes and try to save I am getting an Error “There was a problem with your action. Please try again or reload the page”? Answer: Please try update your PHP to version 5.6 and MySQL ...
Copy / Paste Shortcode WPBakery Page Builder ! Hi,1, Copy shortcode from post, page or txt files:2, Paste the shortcode to new post, page do you want:Thank you
How to Enable WPBakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) on All Post Types Hello, By default, WPBakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) may not be pre-configured or setup by your theme to allow Visual Composer layout editor to be used on all post types such as Products or Posts, Portfolio, S ...
Upload media files with any format? For upload video files with other format and not support from your WordPress site, you need allow video format you want to upload on your WordPress site: ...
Revolution Slider Responsive Settings (on mobile devices) - Slider Revolution 6 Hi,Go to your Admin page -> Revolution Slider tab -> Click edit Slider:1, Turn "On" responsive setting for all devices:, Setup slider on each device: you
Remove slug from custom post type post URLs? The following code will work, but you just have to keep in mind that conflicts can happen easily if the slug for your custom post type is the same as a page or post's slug... First, we will remove the slug from the permalink ...
Option for two different logos style: logo static and logo scroll in Archi 3.1.5 Hi everyone!In Archi new version 3.1.5, we have add more option for logo and so you can add two different logos style for your header, one for header static with background overlay or transparent and one for header when scro ...
How to enable pinch zoom on website for mobile devices? Hi, You can change meta tag on to header.php file: From: To: Thank you
Setup Portfolio Single Page? Hello, Show portfolio on single portfolio page and not show portfolio content on popup. 1, In WP admin page -> Archi Options -> Portfolio Settings:, Choose Portfolio content show on popup or show ...
Page Coming Soon Setup? Hello,1, Create a new page called "soon to come" or any name you set, go to Admin Page -> Pages -> Add New:2, Set the coming soon page as homepage, go to Admin Page -> Settings -> Reading:3, Settings for content in Coming S ...
How to Add Image, Change Image on half Row(Section)? Hello everyone, I have some guide for you about add new image or replace by your image on Row (Section). Note: You need use Archi version or higher I, Add image or change image in some elements: OT Quick Office, ...
Adding Translation Files To Your Child Theme ! If you worked hard to translate the theme you probably don’t want to keep the translated .po and .mo files in the parent theme because they will be overwritten when you update the theme. The best solution would be to place ...
When I enable Redux Framework plugin, When I view a page its a blank page. But if i disable it i can see the pages? Please try go to Archi Options => save again. Then visit site.Thank you.
Translate the WordPress Theme use the Loco Translate Plugin !!! Hi Everyone, Please watch video tutorial, how to use the Loco Translate to translate your theme in your language: Use Loco Translate plugin to translate your website into your language: ...
Automatic Update The Plugins 1, When you get notice update the plugins.2, Deactive all plugins before automatic update.3, Watch video below for a look.Thank you
OT Portfolio Masonry setting? Hi everyone,1, Create a portfolio post: * Important => selected the thumbnail size => upload an image with a corresponding proportional image size:- Normal size: 463x308 or bigger- Double size: 936x626 or bigger- Double siz ...
Support expired and how to purchase support renewal? Hello, Please buy extended support to continue receive support from us. 1, Go to your link the theme on themeforest: 2, See on the right side of ...
How to translate theme option use WPML Shortcode plugin? Hello, 1, Please use Archi latest version 3.1.0 , because in latest version support translate theme option and compatible with WPML shortcode plugin. 2, Please install WPML shortcode plugin to translate theme options : ht ...
Want Navigation Vertical Alignment (Side Navigation Version). Try adds with this js code on bottom of designesia.js file (folder path: wp-content/themes/archi/js/) //Side Navigation Menu fit screen // Adds and removes header padding-top depending on screen width. functio ...
Why Google Map is not working? Hi, This is a surprise from the policy change using the Google Map API platform from Google, So customers will not be able to use the old Google Map API key that comes with the archi theme. Customers will need to create the ...
Hosting Requirements to running WordPress Theme. To run WordPress we recommend your host supports: Please make sure that you are running version WordPress 4.9.x or higher version, version PHP 5.6 or higher version and version MySQL 5.6 or higher version(for legal ...
Filter portfolio work? The OT Portfolio only filters the projects listed in the all projects section. If you want to filters all your projects, you can go to OT Portfolio setting change number show to -1.
How to add Google Fonts in TinyMCE Advanced? I was looking for the same thing exactly, until I came across this plugin: Just install it (after you already have TinyMCE Advanced, of course) and checkout its code fi ...
How to change background image and padding in Section? Hello,1, In your backend edit page, post, etc...2, Find section you want change background image and padding top, padding bottom for section.3, Click Edit Row : 4, Change Background Image and Padding for Row (Section) :5, S ...
How to add slider on a page? Hello,1, You need make sure, your slider is ready (you can create new slider or import slider demo include in theme package) , In backend wp admin -> Slider Revolution -> Create new or Import Slider:2, In backend Edit page, y ...
How to setup header background colors, text colors, etc...? Hello,Here I will show you how to configure color for the header on your website. First you need go to your Admin panel -> Archi Options -> Header Settings: * Header Dark: - Header Static Background Color: #18191b - ...
Archi Preload Settings? Hello,1, WP Admin Page -> Archi Options -> Preload Settings ->, Upload Preload Logo and set logo size:Thank you
How to change another demo? Hi, * How to change another demo and delete the existing demo version on the site? Step 1, The first, You need to installation and active this plugin for your website: Step 2, Re ...
Missing Top Page (Sub Header) on Frontend after update the new version 4.1.0? Hi everyone, From Archi Version: 4.1.0, we have change settings Top Page (Sub Header) for Post, Page, Service, Portfolio page, etc... If you missing the top page(sub header) after updating Archi version 4.1.0, you need to g ...
How to create a contact form for your website? Hello, Now I will guide you to create a contact form for your website, Before creating contact form, I want to make sure that contact form 7 plugin is installed for your website, download and install contact form 7 plugin ...
How to add slider text in Archi v3.0+ ? Hi everyone ! From Archi version 3.0 or heigher, we will not use slider text plugin to add slider text in Elements " OT Home ...* " Add unlimited slider text for elements : OT Home HTML5 Video, OT Home Parallax, OT Home Pa ...
Fixed 404 Error When Updating, Saving the Posts, Pages, etc...? Hi, Please read more guide to fixed your problem: Thank you
How to setup website onepage from a to z? Hello,1a, Create a new page is onepage:1b, Add ID Section to scroll menu to section :2, Setup Onepage is front page (homepage default):3, Create a menu for Onepage:4, Create a Menu for External PagesThank you
How to use Portfolio, Gallery elements in Archi Theme? Hi Everyone, Each client has different requirements for their website and how to present their projects on the site, So we have created different elements to meet all those requirements. Let me know how you would like to p ...
Update Archi Theme And Plugins Latest Version? Hi everyone, Note: Remember to clear all caches when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors. *I, Note before update Archi theme: 1, You need ...