  Public Ticket #963833
Visual composer down


  •  2
    stevendoniak started the conversation


    I have a problem with my website, i use Ourea and some plugin like Visual composer dosnt t work.

    In front its ok but in the back office, i can t do anything

    Can you help me ? 


  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    Hello, please update Ourea theme latest version and then update visual composer 5.0.1, 

    1. Download theme with latest version "All files & Documentation" and unzip theme package to a folder :https://themeforest.net/downloads
    2. Download old theme on your hosting and place on your computer (use for backup if new theme is have issues)
    3. If you have customize old theme and you need save it on your computer
    4. Delete old theme via FTP or backend dashboard and Upload new theme to your hosting with path : wp-content/themes/ and active new theme in backend dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes -> new theme -> active
