  Public Ticket #903510
Problems Customizing "Demeter" Theme


  •  2
    Almudena Clementine started the conversation


    I bought "Demeter Theme" a couple of years ago and at that time I customized it . However, currently I had to reinstall wordpress and I lost everything I had, therefore I starting from 0 to customize the template. The problem is that now I don´t find in the template things to customize as I used to have before. For instance, in "pages" whereas before I had all the options like "home-no-spaced-portfolio", "video html5" etc now I can´t find those options. So now instead of looking like this http://demo.vegatheme.com/demeter/home-no-spaced-portfolio/#work, it looks like a blog, like this http://www.almudenaclementine.com/

    what´s the problem then?

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    Send me wp-admin with private, I'll install your website like as demo preview, thanks