  Public Ticket #1769860
Menu Logo


  • dadandroid started the conversation


    I'm having trouble placing my logo in the header. 

    1 - 'Logo Margin on desktop' doesn't accept just numbers. What should I input?

    2 - Logo squishes in the menu when scrolling down 

    3. Would it be possible to have one logo in the menu when the page loads, and another when in the menu when scrolling down?

    thank you for your answers.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    1. Please replace this file to folder "wp-content/themes/talos/framework"

    Then you should add number with "px" (ex: 20px)

    2. You can change width and height logo on Mobile to change scroll logo.

    3. Sorry, it's impossible now, we will update this problem soon.