  Public Ticket #1765111
Drop down menu alignment display left instead of right


  •  2
    Chris started the conversation

    Hi there, thank you very much for all the assists so far! Take a look at https://spruceinteriors.co.za and you can see that the project gallery, has a customer project area drop down. Then it displays a list of current projects with the customer name. The third submenu opens up to the right and then cuts off the persons name. Is there away to get the submenu of the dropdown to open to the left of menu and not right. Thus avoiding the names being cut off. 

    Also just noticed that the sub menu does not open on the mobile navigation. Just opens to top level page. 

    Thank you in advance for nay help you can provide

  •  2
    Chris replied

    I have shifted the menu for now. But would really like a solution for the site is already beginning to expand and I know this will become another issue down the line.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    You can add custom css code here: http://prntscr.com/gbgjxt

    #mainmenu > li > ul > li > ul{ left: auto; right: 110%; }
    #mainmenu > li > ul li:hover ul{ left: auto; right: 100%; }

    About menu mobile, you can upload arrow images in Theme Options: