  Public Ticket #1734203
Featured Boxed Featured Boxed modify


  •  1
    intvitem started the conversation

    HI~ thk! Item Purchase Code: 70f00640-9ddb-43d9-ae89-fa3eede3c6a9

    odern dark(light) theme demo be in use

    main 3 text box Animation ON

    OT Featured Boxed 2 Settings Animation

    appear slow I want to speed up.

    How can I modify it?

    Please help me!

    Thank you for the good template

  •  2,009
    Ocean replied


    Please update the Archi theme latest version 3.9.1 for your website, in new version added option time for animation: http://prntscr.com/l1zj6g

    Thank you

  •  1
    intvitem replied

    wow!!!!  ~~ Thank you Ocean !!!