  Public Ticket #1661370
Eligibility Calculator


  • Gamal started the conversation

    Hi, I would like to know how the calculator works and how I can edit the qualifications. What makes someone eligible and not eligible and how are the amounts calculated. I can only see the area where I can update the input field but I don't understand how the amounts are calculated. Not sure if there is a missing plug in for calculator, as I don't see it in the sidebar menu. Thank you! 


  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Eligibility Calculator use for eligibility your loan 

    Eligibility Calculator is based on the parameters(home loan requred, net income per month, Existing loan commitments, Loan Tenure, Rate of Interest) to verify your maximum loan and loan terms.

    EMI đepends on the  Existing loan commitments, Loan Tenure and Rate of Interest.

    maximum loan đepends on the  net income per month & rate of interest.

    If yo want change calculator you need open file wp-content/plugin/ot_composer/function/shortcodes.php => find eligibility to change javascript.

  •   Gamal replied privately
  •  2,010
  • Gamal replied

    Thanks! Much appreciated.