  Public Ticket #1635149
Missing OT Demo Import


  •  2
    Jenice started the conversation


    I have successfully installed the theme but the One time click import demo is not showing up on the sidebar.

    Also, when I view the website, It's still showing up the default landing page.

    I used CPanel to install the wordpress. 
    Before I installed it, there's a note saying: 
    Information: You cannot use the one-click installer. However, you can install additional “WordPress” instances into a sub-folder of one of your domains or add additional domains.

    Is this the reason why the one-click demo import is not showing up??

    Please advise asap. thanks

  •  2,009
    Ocean replied


    Please go to WP Admin page -> Sidebar -> Appearance -> Import Demo Data: http://prntscr.com/k442ai

    Thank you