  Public Ticket #1625942
Mobile Menu Not Working


  • Tanner started the conversation

    Hello, the mobile hamburger menu button will not open or do anything when clicked. I have tried about everything I can think of including deactivating any plugins I thought may be conflicting, making sure the theme is up to date and all plugins are up to date as well. 

    I have the latest version of Archi (3.8.5)

    We really need to have this mobile menu working. 

    Any help would be appreciated. 

    Thank you, 


  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    It's very strage, I see your website very much error js: http://prntscr.com/k1fyro

    Try clear your server cache?

  • Tanner replied

    I figured it out. Looks like a js code snippet related to mailchimp was embedded in the header that I was unaware of which was causing the conflict. Thanks