  Public Ticket #1624121
Countdown issue


  •  1
    Val started the conversation

    The countdown on the website shows different timing in different parts of the world. I assume it’s taking the time from the local machine? So for some people the countdown expires sooner. We’ve had problems with our customers complaining and being confused about it. Any plans to fix this and make a countdown that is showing the same time regardless of the region you are located in? Thanks

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    I just checked this problem. 

    Your are right, we need to fix this problem. We'll try updating soon.

    Thanks for contacting.

  •  1
    Val replied

    Thanks. What's the approximate timeline on this?

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    I think about 1-2 days.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    We just updated and fixed this problem.

    You can update theme now.