  Public Ticket #1582773
Revolution Slider


  • nuans started the conversation


    I have changed the background image on the revolution slider (i believe it is home modern slider, the one with the text in the middle) and by changing the background image the slide pauses at first slide and only changes when i click the arrow.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    I have check and it's work fine, if still have issues, please let me know, Thanks

  • nuans replied

    I have checked the slide on both my computer, and the computer of my friend.
    I have, firefox, chrome and opera and the first slide freezes on all of them. Can you please check again

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Please send your wp-admin account for check (private reply when post your account info here).

    Also, read more Revolution Slider documentation for more info: https://www.themepunch.com/revslider-doc/slider-revolution-documentation/

    Thank you

  • nuans replied

    Thank you I forgot to mention that I have resolved the problem apparently pause on hover was active, also if I may ask for another favor through this ticket, 
    Regarding the Shop page, how do I import it where is it found currently I am using the Masonry dark portfolio as my main theme, though I want to add the SHOP page too.
    Your help will be much appriciated

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    Please import shop page demo for your website, import by manually (use this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-importer/) , you need deactive "OT One Click Import Demo" plugin: http://prntscr.com/jlw01h , Thanks

  • nuans replied

    Hi thank you for everything so far, great support.

    One last thing (I hope), my product page doesn't have a WooCommerce sidebar


    How do I add a woocommerce sidebar

    How do I add widgets to it


  • nuans replied

    Nvm i think I got it :)