  Public Ticket #1558332
Portfolio Random Items


  • mattmondossier started the conversation

    Everything is working good except..: 

    I can't show you the webpage because it's still set to private but I would like to simply show items random in OT Portfolio. Actually items show the latest added items.

    Exemple I have 40 items into my portfolio. If the OT Portfolio display setting is set to 4, I would like to show 4 items from my portfolio but random such as Item #4, #28, #12, #23. And if the user refresh the page then the items change as they are random: #34, #21, #19, #18 etc.. etc..

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Please update the new Archi theme version 3.8.1 for your website.

    After update the new Archi theme and in "OT Portfolio Filter" element: http://prntscr.com/jcm9fz


    02/05/2018 - Version 3.8.1
    - Fixed: Sub Navigation active color on single service page.
    - New added: Options Order by and Sort order for "OT Portfolio Filter" elements.
    - Files Updated: vc_shortcode.php, shortcode.php, color.php, light.css, style.css

    Thank you