  Public Ticket #1542517
OT Newsletter block doesnt work and want to be able to customise it


  • Mads Damgaard started the conversation

    I have added the OT Newsletter block (see in red) and have input arrow_right
    as the parameter but dont see any way to "save" /regsiter / send the customer input.

    Further more I'd like to be able to have the fields next to each other and a small text describing what should be input in each field. (like in the contact me blocks)

    Can you please help? :-)

    Thank you!

  •   Ocean replied privately
  •   Mads Damgaard replied privately
  •  2,010
  • Mads Damgaard replied

    i am trying to use the panel but the newsletter plugin documentation is not very helpful for me :/

    they are talking about urls but im not sure where i find these. can you give an example of how a funtioning setup is

    please see the attached screenshots.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    please check again