  Public Ticket #1468731
Changing Sermon Archive Page Title


  • wwlusek started the conversation


    I need to change Page Title (<title></title>) for default sermons archive page (mywebsite.com/sermons/).

    Right now it shows "Sermons Archive - My Website" and I need to change words "Sermons Archive".

    Acutally I found out that word "Sermons" in title changes when I edit file "ot_sermons.php" in plugin folder, and rename the "Sermons" with my word:

    $labels = array( 
            'name' => __( 'Sermons', 'ot-sermons' ),

    ... but after this, the word "Archive" still remains and I still get the "MyWord Archive - My Website".

    Oh, and I've tried to set the sermons slug in Permalink settings aswell. The title does not change at all. Slug setting seems to be completely unrelated to sermons archive page title (<title></title>).

    Please explain me how to change this Title.

    PS. You should consider adding this functionality in future release :P


  • wwlusek replied

    Okay, so I figured it out by myself:

    In fact if you want to change the word "Sermons" in page title you have to change "ot_sermons.php" file in your plugins folder.

    Search for this:

    $labels = array( 
            'name' => __( 'Sermons', 'ot-sermons' ),

    And change the 'Sermons' to whatever you like:

    $labels = array( 
            'name' => __( 'changeThis', 'ot-sermons' ),

    In my case, the other word "Archive" in Page Title appeared from CEO plugin -.-

    Finally I fixed it, you can close the ticket if you want :)

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    Thank you (y)