  Public Ticket #1458870
Theme is resizing images no matter what


  • jeskoston started the conversation

    For some reason, under the portfolio section of the Archi Theme the images are always scaled up to 700x466 even if the natural image size is smaller, this happens even if I change the "crop image width" and "crop image height"  to smaller dimensions under the archi portfolio options. The issue with this is that it affects my google page speed score, it's the only thing keeping me from having a good score. Is there anyway the images can not be scaled up just for it to be scaled back down? Some code I can modify? Thanks.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    In "OT Portfolio Element" you can disable cropped image feature: http://prntscr.com/ib71c3

    the same for all "OT Portfolio" element: http://prntscr.com/ib71hm

    Thank you