  Public Ticket #1444992
Sermons & Testimonials


  • Jean Perrault started the conversation

    1- The template features 3 ways to upload media of the sermons, video, audio and pdf. If I want to upload only audio files, is it possible to remove the other two icon options and just feature the audio icon? It may confuse visitors if the the other two icons are not functional.

    2- Is it possible to change the text font and size for the Testimonials? I did not see an option for that.

    I would appreciate a response as soon as possible, as I need to go live very soon. Thanks!

    I really like the theme, as it is very clean and light. Good job!

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    1, Just need empty fields and do not show on frontend.

    http://prntscr.com/i5auty and http://prntscr.com/i5av0e

    2, You need custom css for this, You can easy add cutom css code in your WP Admin -> Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS: http://prntscr.com/gbgkc9

    .testi-carousel blockquote{}
    .testi-slider .testi-by{}

    Thank you