  Public Ticket #1309412
Demo Content upload not working


  • leandrosch started the conversation


    I bought the theme from theme forest, and tried importing demo content buy somehow it is not working:

    - The slider images didn't import (I uploaded them manually by downloading the images from the demo site)

    - No icons are displaying

    - Some Pages are missing, like this one: http://demo.oceanthemes.net/borrow/loan/car-loan/ 

    In addition, on the home page there is horizontal scroll.. looks like there are a couple pixels off


  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    I see slider image was import.

    Icon. you can send me admin account for check. Set private reply.

    Car Loan page not missing, please check again.

    I don't see horizontal scroll. you can send me screenshot about this issue.

  •   leandrosch replied privately
  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    you import not full. you can import again. 

    Please select Download and import file attachments.

    pagespeed: You can try use plugin W3 Total Cache and Autoptimize.

  • Nam Khoa Thanh Duc replied

    My website: http://namkhoathanhduc.com does not use wordpress, how can I speed up the website?

  •   Ocean replied privately