  Public Ticket #1265126
Testimonials Section


  • temp8882sites started the conversation


    Could you kindly advise on the following questions:

    1. I would like to add a border in my testimonials section. see attached image.

    2. I would like to change the title of the "Find Course to Find Webinars, Course Type to Webinar Type, Study Level to Webinar Level, Course Name to Webinar, course Type to Webinar type etc. See attached image.

    3. How can I change the font size and family in my bullet points? see attched. 

  •  2,009
    Ocean replied

    1. You can add css code here http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/431375/60a65bbd73398f66ec983fe267a49737

    .author-carousel blockquote{ border1px solid #ddd; padding: 25px;}

    .author-carousel .author-picture{ display: none; }

    2. You can translate or change text with this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/

    3. Add css code:

    .blog-listing ul li{ font-size: your size; }

    I think you shouldn't change font family, it's not easy. you need to include font before.

  •   temp8882sites replied privately
  •  2,009
    Ocean replied


    You just can change texts with this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/

    It's easy to use.

  • temp8882sites replied


    Thank you for your reply, I have download the loco translate plugin, but I am lost to where I can change the texts in the OT course plugin. Kindly assist.

    Also, I would like to add a custom links to the logos under the Media Partners & sponsors. See attached.

  •  2,009
    Ocean replied


    Please see attach images.