  Public Ticket #1249648
SVG Logo


  • brunoluzweb started the conversation

    After loading the logo in SVG format, I checked the safari browser perfectly, but it does not appear in Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. 

    Waiting feedback.

  • brunoluzweb replied

    I noticed that also in the mobile version (Android) the logo is not displayed correctly, but works perfect on iPhone. This is in case you use the logo in .svg format.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Please use logo in .png format for your website and it's work fine on all browsers and all devices.

    Thank you

  • brunoluzweb replied

    Hi Support,

    I already knew that in PNG format it would work.
    However, I have better quality and compression using SVG.

    You're welcome

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    If you use logo.svg for your website, some browsers not support, please read more: http://caniuse.com/#feat=svg-img

    Thank you