  Public Ticket #1210326
OT Button CSS on VC


  • Johnbeh started the conversation

    Hi there, I'd like to add-on an CTA button on individual project page. I'd like to move the button position directly below the description. Would like to know how can i adjust this. 

    Please see the attach print screen. 

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Just need drag and drop your buttom to column on the right side (in your backend page).

    Thank you

  • Johnbeh replied

    I did move it and adjust. i've attach both of the screenshot. But it doesn't fit the result that i required. 

    Please advise. 

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Please make your button like as my example: http://prntscr.com/flg9jm

    Thank you