  Public Ticket #1202890
change images and change text


  • cliffordlee started the conversation

    I can't seem to find where i can change the images that are in the background of the OT testimonials, OT Service, and OT Our Fact sections. 

    Also, in the OT slideshow section I would like to change the text under the images from "Project Name" to something else. 

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Change background: 

    gop to row setting/design option/background => upload image

    follow: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/2574859/894beb619a346d01143469f73defc902

    change: "project name"

    open file wp-content/plugins/ot_composer/function/shortcodes.php

    find "Project Name" => change

    Or you can loco translate plugin to translate "Project name"