  Public Ticket #1193246
Portfolio projects editing


  •  1
    Portaldekor started the conversation

    1. I have 7 categories in portfolio (4 of them i just renamed and add 3 new), but on site only displayed 4 of them, how to fix that?

    2. How to change images in portfolio when you open single project (not the featured image)?  

    My english is not so good so i will send 2 images to explain my questions visually, that you can see what i am talking about.

  •  1
    Portaldekor replied

    I solved these 2 problems. But now, in category DVOSEDI, FOTELJE, TABUREI, TROSEDI, don't show any products, why ? I have some products in that categories. And in category UGAONE display only 3 products and i have 7, why ?

    And, can show 3 places in map (contact page), or i can only 1 ?

  •  2,009
    Ocean replied


    1, I solved these 2 problems. But now, in category DVOSEDI, FOTELJE, TABUREI, TROSEDI, don't show any products, why ? I have some products in that categories. And in category UGAONE display only 3 products and i have 7, why ?

    => Please set -1 to show all portfolio in your portfolio element "OT Portfolio Filter 3" : http://prntscr.com/ffyxgh

    2, And, can show 3 places in map (contact page), or i can only 1 ?

    => Our theme just support 1 places in map (contact page).

    Thank you

  •  1
    Portaldekor replied

    That work. But why when i set items per page 9, in filter category TROSEDI don't show anything, and i have 3 projects in that category ?

  •  2,009
    Ocean replied


    You need show all portfolio on front page and use filter category

    example: you have 20 portfolio and you need set portfolio show is 20.

    Thank you