  Public Ticket #1185722
UL LI styles absent


  •  1
    seekman started the conversation

    Hello, please check the attached post.

    I used a normal <ul> list stile. But it shows very ugly.


    Very big spaces between the list items and also lack of bullets on the left.

    Can you please help to fix this problem?

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    you can add css code

    Go to modis option/styling option/ CSS Code:

    .page-content ul {

    padding-left: 20px;


    .blog-list li {



  •  1
    seekman replied

    Thanks, I did it, but still looks bad. Please take a look.

    There is some margin-bottom60px; that makes big spaces in the list. please help.

    Also is it possible to correct it in a new theme release?

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    you can add css code

    .blog-list li {

    margin-bottom: 10px;


    i we'll update this issue in future.