  Public Ticket #1134614


  • vasuki_moka_murthy started the conversation

    We are using cloudhost and have loaded a number of testimonials. We have three divisions and we want some of the testimonials to show up on some pages and some of the others to show up on other pages. We tried using tags and different approaches but could not figure out. Please advise how to segment the testimonials. 

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Please send us the links of this issue, we will help you check it.


  • vasuki_moka_murthy replied


    Here you go. Please scroll down half the page and you will see the testimonials. I can also give you access if that would help. The key is to have one page show up with some of the testimonials and other pages show up with different ones. I need to segment the testimonials into 3 categories.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    It means you want to show testimonials by categories?

  • vasuki_moka_murthy replied

    Sure. I really need help. We are going back and forth and for some reason i am not receiving your emails. I have to manually go check this. My phone number is 781.570.6083.

    Please tell me how to have some pages and some testimonials and other pages have different ones.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    OK. We will check it again and will add new option allow you select by categories if is possible.


  • vasuki_moka_murthy replied

    Any update. We could be doing something wrong, but just need to know how to do it.

  • vasuki_moka_murthy replied

    Just for clarity. I have 5 testimonials in. I have labeled 2 of them as Category - PREMIUM and 4 are category SWIFT. When i go into WP Visual Composer in the Testimonial section it asks me how many to show up, but not which ones to show up. I tried putting in PREMIUM as the quantity and it does not do anything. There does not seem to be anywhere to use the Category. Is there something i am doing wrong?

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    We are working update the theme and will let you know when it is updated. You can enter your category to Number of Testimonials, it is a Testimonials number you want to show.


  • vasuki_moka_murthy replied

    This does not make sense. What do you mean enter your category to Number of Testimonials. If you mean put in the name of the Category in the Number of Testimonials section then i already tried that and it did not work. Please help.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    Sorry, You can't enter your category to Number of Testimonials, it is a number you want to show.


  • vasuki_moka_murthy replied

    I am confused. I believe this is your theme and plugin and the instructions on how to use testimonial categories are not correct. I just really need to know in my version how to get the testimonials to show by a given category. Is there some extra code that i need. The answers that are coming over are cryptic. Please look at the screenshots i sent and let me know how on our theme to use the categories. If it is something you are working on then i need to know when it will be ready. We have a site in the final stages of go-live and we paid for the support, but are not getting anywhere in over a month. We really need your help.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    We said we will add new option allow you select by categories in next version. Now you can't select by categories.
