  Public Ticket #1105068
The logo and mobile menu issue


  •  2
    tim3flies started the conversation

    I set the logo to be 300 px width.

    The problem is, the mobile menu symbol isn't clickable. It looks like the logo image is on top of it. Whenever I try clicking on mobile menu, it just links to homepage as if I click the logo.

    I don't know how to fix it. Please help

    I tried setting the top margin of logo to be 80px;

    That's why the menu symbol is clickable now, but the unfolded menu list is still behind the logo, so I can't click on any menu -- it will just be like I click on the logo because the logo is on top over everything.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Please setup your logo size:  width200px;  height38px;

    In WP admin -> Appearance -> Customize -> Header -> Site Logo -> Logo With: 200 and Logo Height: 38

    Thank you

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    Please update Talos 1.1.0 attach this ticket.


    21/03/2017 – Version 1.1.0 

    - New added: Easy setup your logo width, height, margin show good on desktop and mobile. 

    - Fixed: Remove hard code of the date on top of single page. 

    - Files Edit: style.css, single.php, styling.php, customizer.php

    Thank you