  Public Ticket #1095291
Visual Composer/ other plugins need to be activiated


  •  2
    grandrapidstech started the conversation

    I need to activate my plugins so I can use all of the features. Thanks!

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    The theme included two licensing plugins: Visual Composer and Revolution Slider, we purchased them from codecanyone.net and included them for free in the theme package without any issues. However, if you want automatic updates and support from the plugin developer, you need to purchase it separately (this is 100% optional). Some plugins include a field to enter your “purchase” code for the plugin. Because we are not allowed to include the license key for each of them, so you do NOT have a purchase code for that plugin and you can’t enter anything in this field. If there is any update, we are accountable for updating the theme with the newest version of plugins.

    We will update the Visual Composer in this week.
