  Public Ticket #1069545
Google Maps Blocked in China


  •  2
    CalvinZhang started the conversation

    Most of my potential clients are from China, and Google Maps service is blocked by China's government. And so I have 2 requests

    1) Can you make a Bing Maps replacement for OT Google Maps? So that my clients can see the map.

    2) Referencing Google Maps JavaScript file (on a server Chinese visitors can not connect) on every page even if OT Google Maps is not present on that page blocks rendering of the web page for 60 seconds till it times out. Will you be able to make the reference only show up on related pages?

    Thanks a lot!

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied


    1. You can use Bing Map now, please follow attach images.

    2. If your website can't use Google Map, you can remove it.

    Please replace this file to folder "wp-content/themes/cloudme"