
How to Link to Streaming Video or Audio Streaming on the Sermon Page?


Please make sure, your website using the OT Visual Composer Version 1.1.6: 

Download the OT Visual Composer Version 1.1.6 and update for your website here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s7vn5br2foscci3/ot_composer.zip?dl=0

1, The first, you need setup the WPBakery Page Builder for Sermons custom post type in WPBakery Page Builder -> Role Manager -> Custom -> sermons -> Save Changes:

2, In backend edit sermons post -> Choose Backend Editor: 


3, Edit "OT Button" element: 

For Video: http://prntscr.com/k5haqt 

For Audio: http://prntscr.com/k5he31 

Thank you