
How to increase logo size, header height in desktop version?


You can easy add custom css code here: http://prntscr.com/gbgjxt

/* Style Header for desktop version only */
@media only screen and (min-width: 993px) {
    /* Header Static */
    header {height: 130px;}
    header div#logo {height: 130px;line-height: 130px;}
    header div#logo a img{max-height: 110px;}
    #mainmenu > li > a {padding: 50px 0 45px 20px;}
    /* Header Sticky */
    header.smaller:not(.header-bottom):not(.side-header) {height: 120px;}
    header.smaller div#logo {height: 120px;line-height: 120px;}
    header.smaller div#logo a img {max-height: 100px;}
    header.smaller:not(.header-bottom) #mainmenu > li > a {padding-top: 45px;padding-bottom: 40px;}

Thank you