  Public Ticket #725675


  • María started the conversation

    Hiiiiii!! I need support for this theme!!! When I resize aread2.com/nueva/ some modules are getting superimposed...See the one of microphone... Take the corner of the navigator and resize it and you see what is going to happen. And in the demo there is no trouble. Could you please arrange that, the client is getting crazy!! Thank you so much...

    Then I have another problem... in the module that are different pictures there and I touch the ajax in the picture that we have the speaker... there is the default images... and I don´t know how to touch them... Can you please tell me where to change the text and the images??

    Thank you soooo much.

    Can you please send something to [email protected]

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    Hi, Please zip and replace file : css/skeleton.css

    Then add code css here : http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/431375/60a65bbd73398f66ec983fe267a49737

    @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1199px) {#sync1 .item p,#owl-clients .item2 p{max-width:843px;} }
    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) {#sync1 .item p,#owl-clients .item2 p{max-width:740px;} }

  •   María replied privately
  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    Hi, I've helped for you! check again.

    For portfolio. when you are resizing, it looks pretty bad , but if you stop at that point and reload your website, It's fine.

    And when you view your website in mobile, It's fine too

  • María replied

    Is there any way that can be soft and it don't stop and it gets that bad?? The theme is so nice to have this little inconvinient.

  •  2,010
    Ocean replied

    Hi, I'm not sure, but I'll try fixed for you in next week.