  Public Ticket #723438
Is it possible to create a Team-component like the Portfolio?


  • Laurens started the conversation

    Hi There,

    I'm currently working in the Demeter Theme, which is looking very nice by the way, but i want to make the component our Team look differently then suggested by you.
    I really want it to make it like the portfolio. So a small image is shown, and when you click on it there will disappear a image above with some information besides it.
    But when i make a portfolio of a team-member it will also disappear in the protfolio 'Work'. Unfortunately i can't say that i wan't to exclude some categories/tags in the Portfolio-component so each created portfolio will be shown.

    I've tried to use a different component, like 'Post Masonry Grid', but when i click on that image another window appears with the blogpost, so the menu on top doesn't work anymore because you're in an other page.

    I'll hope you'll understand what i mean and you have an answer for this.

    Like to hear from you.


    Laurens van Oosterhout
    Aorta Productions

  •  2,009
    Ocean replied

    Hi, sorry, this is cutomize problem. It'll take many time.